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    Ballroom dance, Broadway performances & Livening up

    Cha-cha-cha, Samba, Mambo, Rock and Roll, Two Steps, Vals, Tango and more dance styles:
    Salsa in line, Rueda de Casino, Argentine Tango, Funky-Jazz, Axe (choreographed latin dance), Broadway, Musicals…

    – Ballroom dance Show
    A group composed of dancers of the highest national and international sportdance categories.
    Dancers from the famous Spanish TV programs: ‘Mira quién baila” and ‘Más que baile‘.
    Various shows performances with 30, 60 or 90 minutes duration.

    – Show & Livening up:

    Different dance styles performed by dancers couples:
    Latin Rythm (Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Rueda Cubana, Cha-cha-cha, Samba)
    Elegancy Rythm (Valls, Bolero, Tango)
    Strong Rythm (Two Steps, Rock & Roll)
    Dances form the most famous musicals of the history such as: The Mask, Chicago, Burlesque, Grease, Dirty Dancing.

    Livening up dance classes in different styles and for any kind of public, also very entertaining!

    Shows and livening up acts adapted to any event and special celebrations (Corporate diners, Weddings, Birthdays…) in terms of duration and number of dancers.

    Performance videos

    Ballroom Dances Performance

    Salsa Performance

    Ballroom dances & burlesque Performance’

    Ballroom dancer and choreographer Benedetto

    Pictures of our ballroom dancers